INDOCTRINATION IN THE S-VE SCHOOL DISTRICT The anti- gas drilling propaganda movie "GASLAND" was shown to the school kids on March 9, 2011. This is an outrageous abuse of taxpayer money and shameless propagandizing to the students who cannot yet separate fact from fiction. The showing of the film also is a glaring demonstration of hypocrisy. Are the children told that their school is partly financed by royalties from gas drilling? The district receives royalties because district land is in a drilling unit! This is not the first time that the children have been duped by propaganda. The school also showed Al Gore's flick and a former superintendent even pulled voting age students out of their classes for a propaganda session in the auditorium on the day of a vote! No wonder that S-VE school district repeatedly on the worst school's list in NY State when education takes a back seat to indoctrination! Budget vote 2011. Read about the waste you are asked to vote for. Coaching salaries. Teachers unfamiliar with the sport have first dibs over experienced local coaches that would work for free.. The District's health plan. Taxpayers pay 100% of some teacher's health plans (new 1-24-2011) Corrupt Teacher negotiations in the S-VE school district. Published July 22, 2010. Former superintendent Tom Bailey now denies that our graduation standards were the lowest in New York state. Click here to separate fact from fiction. (New 5-27-2009) Why is S-VE schools on the NY State Worst schools list repeatedly? ( New 5-12-09 ) Fraud and Mismanagement. What happened to your tax money? ( New 5-12-09) Test results 1999-2008, More than half of our 8th grade students fail the state minimum 54% of the time. Click here for the numbers. (New 4-30-09) The school tax bills from 2008 are proof of the fraud perpetrated on the voters. Click here for the facts. (New 11-20-08) The S-VE school district has been on the NY state list of "Schools in Need of Improvement" twice in the past six years. More than half of our eight grade English students have failed in the state mandated test over 9 years. You have seen the spin and the excuses, click here for the facts. (New 2-28-08) The S-VE taxpayers are again hit with a tax increase vote to pay for more un-needed buildings. Read about the corrupt vote for the last building expansion. (New 2-26-08) Test results 1999-2006. Click here for the numbers. (New 5-10-07) You know that, when you get anonymous propaganda in the mail, you are in for some world class lying. Who are "Friends of Education?" Click here to read the tall tales. (New 5-14 2006) Now we find out that after the folly of building excess space, we have room for 52% more students, but the enrollment is going down. That mistake cost 28 million dollars and on top of that we are stuck paying heating and maintaining the excess space. Click here for the numbers. (New 4-14-06) The S-VE school district is hit with record high tax increases. The two questions are: 1) The voters were told that the tax increase would be 12% in an contingency budget. Is it legal for the Board to crank up the taxes to 29.9%? 2) What is the point of voting if the school board can ignore the voting results and tax us much more? Click here for answers. (New 911 2005) The school board voted for spending the maximum that the law allows. Then they voted to increase administration pay. Click here to see who gets what.(New 9-21-05) An enormous effort is made to keep the sports program going after 6 school board members voted to cut it. The teacher's union has first dibs on 70% of that money. Click here to see who pockets the money. (New Aug 26, 2005) Due to mistakes, incompetence, waste and mismanagement they are pushing for a 18.1% tax increase. The state average is 7.5%. read the Star Gazette article by clicking here. Budget vote 2005. They can increase your taxes even more than the proposed 18.1%? They have done it before! Click here for details! (New 5-11-05) Superintendent Bailey's latest spin in the Random Harvest about full value taxation. He equates land values in our district to land values in cities. Is there no limit to the distortions? Click here for facts. They claim that this year's big tax increase is a result of them not increasing taxes before. Click here to bunk that tall tale. School administrators get again excessively huge pay increases. Two principals pocket 10%. (New 10-5-04) Superintendent Bailey has finally realized that he needs all the help he can get. Click here to read about the superintendent abandoning his right to do the budget by himself to a "Budget Advisory Committee". (New 10-5-04) Lies,Lies,Lies. Click here to read some of the tall stories the administration has told to manipulate your opinion. Superintendent C. Thomas Bailey says that senior citizens "Pay little or no school taxes". Really Mr. Bailey! Here a reprint of an article about my neighbor who lost her home. The article is a reprint from the 2001 May issue of "School Scandals". The article appeared two years ago, and neither of the board presidents mentioned in the article, have offered any help, or shown any remorse about their uncompassionate attitude toward the elderly who are unable to pay their school taxes. (new 9-30-03) Click here to read the article. After the tax increase we had a major pay increase for the administration. The pay increase was a very hush, hush under the table affair. There was no mention of it during the board meeting, or in the minutes of the meeting. It just somehow happened without a trace. Click here to see how much more you have to work to pay them. (New 9-6-03) Look at our school district test results! Is finishing second to the last out of 10 good? Is finishing 96% of the time below the state average good? Click here for more information, and join me for reform. (New 8-12-03) Scores for state mandated fourth and eight grade tests 1999-2002, . Click here for menu (new 10-14-02) Why is the administration hiding bid results from the taxpayers? We have had almost 30% school tax increases in two years. Is it time to hold the administration accountable for how your tax money is spent? Why is the administration not coming clean? Click here for more information. .(New 8-12-03) The superintendent made unsubstantiated excuses for the incredible income increases that he supported for the teachers this year. The increase was double the inflation rate. To separate fact from fiction, click here to learn, what the teachers had actually pocketed. (New 8-8-03) Some members of the school establishment claims that spending in our district is down. Those claims are untrue! Click here to see the huge spending increases that have caused the incredible tax increases! (New 5-24-03) How can people, who receive financial gain from the employee side of a labor contract, pretend to represent the school district in good faith? Why is the majority of the board against adopting ethical standards? Click here for details( New 2-13-03) Click here to see how the people who cranked up your taxes 20% spent a pile of your money for a stay in a luxury resort. (New 10-12-02) Schools that have test scores as low as we do risk loosing education aid. Click here for newspaper article. (New 10-12-02) S-VE failed two out of three categories on the state report card which the newspapers published in the spring of 2002. Why are the administration and most board members resisting reform? Click here for newspaper article. (New 9-25-02) The potential S-VE student population decreased by 351 students or 17.6% in 10 years. Knowing that, the administration still pushed for a building addition which will cost the taxpayers 18.5 million, or 29 million with interest. Click here for facts (New 9-25-02) |